BUCHSTEINER Shaker 700ml


BUCHSTEINER Shaker 700ml
  • SHAKER – Durable, light and comfortable, equipped with a strainer to facilitate the mixing of nutrients;
  • This easy-to-use, light and non-toxic shaker will provide you with the comfort of easy preparation of your conditioner at any place and time;
  • Perfect for mixing all kinds of protein, isotonic and gainer supplements;
  • It is light and durable, thanks to which it will not increase the weight of your training bag or damage it during transport;
  • It is very easy to keep clean, thanks to which it maintains all hygiene requirements for a long time.
BUCHSTEINER Shaker 700ml
SKU: N/A Category: Tags: ,


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BUCHSTEINER Shaker 700ml


BUCHSTEINER Shaker 700ml
  • SHAKER – Durable, light and comfortable, equipped with a strainer to facilitate the mixing of nutrients;
  • This easy-to-use, light and non-toxic shaker will provide you with the comfort of easy preparation of your conditioner at any place and time;
  • Perfect for mixing all kinds of protein, isotonic and gainer supplements;
  • It is light and durable, thanks to which it will not increase the weight of your training bag or damage it during transport;
  • It is very easy to keep clean, thanks to which it maintains all hygiene requirements for a long time.
BUCHSTEINER Shaker 700ml
SKU: N/A Category: Tags: ,


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